
テニスボールの3次元軌道計測を可能とするドップラー・レーダー・システム”TrackMan Tennis”

“TrackMan Tennis”は、香川大学石丸伊知郎教授の回転数検出技術を活用した、テニスボールの3次元軌道計測を可能とするモバイル型ドップラー・レーダー・システムです。
TrackMan Tennis is an advanced portable Doppler radar system that measures the full 3D ball flight of the tennis ball. The system allows for advanced real-time measurement and analysis of parameters such as spin rate, ball speed, ball direction, impact location, net clearance and landing position. The system combines data and video, to provide a complete performance measurement for each stroke. The primary usage purposes are research & development, fitting and player development.
The system is non-intrusive and 100 % automatic, with no markers required or any interaction from the players. That allows the players to fully focus on the performance. The system is being used by all major equipment manufacturers in their development and work with the best players in the world.
Nicolaj Hermansen, TrackMan
E-mail: nh@trackman.com